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Romance from the depths of the crystal

A New Door to a Mysterious World

This is another story.


My dad’s major is optical processes and manufacturing, he is one of the best engineer of the world.

The word “LASER” was arcane and esoteric.

Until a friend of mine approached me in middle school and said: let’s build a LASER gun!


After a period of study, we believe that what is within our ability to achieve is a CO2 laser.

HV Source

It is well known that conventional CO2 laser pump requires a high voltage source for excitation. After the gas is broken down, the voltage needs to be reduced and the output current boosted to maintain the breakdown state to produce laser light.

The topology of our designed is classical ZVS. To increased the parallel resonant current, I instatlled a lot of capacitor.

Here are the result.

I designed the new PCB and put the transformer together.

Finally, I assembled all devices into a plexiglass box.

In order to ensure that the water-cooling system works properly, I additionally designed a temperature protection circuit and realized it through the STC51.

Look at the power test.

Built with Hugo