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Universal Driver



Ready to implement a modular general-purpose motor driver with support for various algorithms, complete protection, multiple sensors, with signal outputs and oscilloscope

Isolated Op Amps

Isolated Power Supplies


ad7401 (bus voltage three phase current)


Input voltage 10-60

Input current 80a

3.3v20a capacity (test pw22 and zxd10)

5v8a capacity

tlv62130tps51200 quad power and ddr

rtl8211 network phy two

ft2232 jtag

max232 rs232 architecture

Isolated can?

hdmi phy?


Differential Encoder Receive

Encoder Input Optical Isolation

Reserve rotary position

encoder signal input mux

cpld12 line pwm protection

ad7124-8 temperature phase voltage bus voltage


stm32 function

Four-way voltage protection All four outputs leave a test point

bus voltage protection (bus voltage resistor network after leaving the test point to connect two voltage followers one into the cpu, one into the south bridge to leave the test point) (bus voltage small power board with pmos, high power with AC contactor)

Temperature protection (read 7124)

hard overcurrent protection with a comparator opamp, the stm32 output pwm through the second-order filters (later these functional requirements are realized with fpga, the protection logic is not involved in the software)

Built with Hugo